Letters to the Editor

Republican White Supremacy

The censured, failed fascist Republican congressman from Arizona, Paul Gosar, and that other moronic Republican crackpot congresscritter from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, are the ugly racist faces of the modern day “GOP.” Abraham Lincoln must be spinning in his grave! Where’s Union General William Tecumseh Sherman when you need him? (Sherman’s probably lighting Robert E. Lee on fire in Hell at this moment.)

It’s long past time to send an unmistakable message to these would-be White supremacist insurrectionists. Not for one minute would I actually believe any of these Trumptarded traitors are superior to anyone or actually capable of learning anything, but by making a cautionary example of these insane idiots we the people can make it clear to future generations that there will be a steep price to pay for treason. Lock them up! (At the very least.)

Prior to their felonious, anti-Constitutional criminal behavior in the Capitol on Jan. 6 and before, pathetic Paul Gosar and promiscuous Marjorie Traitor Greene actually attempted to create a neo-Nazi GOP White supremacy caucus in the people’s House of Representatives called the “America First“ Caucus. Sound familiar?

Yes, that’s right (and extremely right-wing). “America First,” which of course was pro-Hitler Nazi son-of-a-Republican congressman Charles Lindbergh’s infamous conservative political organization advocating an alliance between America and Nazi Germany during World War II. You are of course aware of the treasonous, murderous, anti-Semitic origin of traitor Trump’s favorite fascist political slogan “America First,” aren’t you? (Perhaps not.)

And as for the chutzpah of these inbred human Picasso paintings … please! As a young child, back in the 1970s, I had a pet rock whose IQ was higher than Gosar, Greene & Trump’s combined. These clueless conservative racist troglodytes are prime examples of the fact that so-called racial superiority is a myth and nothing more, much like disgusting Donald Trump’s mythic mail order marriage to sexy Slavic red sparrow Melania Trump. FREE MELANIA!

JAKE PICKERING, Arcata, Calif.

Support Electric Vehicles

With all the commotion  over the threats posed by climate change, the Biden administration should be  commended for supporting a swift and general introduction of electric vehicles in this country. It has been common knowledge for decades, after all. that gas powered cars and truck contribute to the global ecological menace.

Such a transition is bound to be difficult yet nevertheless patently inevitable. The destructiveness of rampant climate change, clearly demonstrated through wildfires, droughts and melting glaciers, presuppose human remedy for human-generated mischief.

Without question, electric  transportation  will be beneficial over the long haul. A full measure of enthusiasm should be accorded  this technological progress.


Man’s Inhumanity to Man and Others

The arrogant ignorance of a growing segment of our male population never ceases to amaze me, in spite of all the historical factually proven evidence contrary to their ideological and theistical zealotry dating back to our very first homo sapiens some 140,000 years ago. As an aging octogenarian, my concerns are much greater than at any other time in my 87 years of longevity, because we have the most destructive deadly worldwide armament then at any time in human history — posing humane annihilation.

This nation/world, unlike any other time in our turmoiled evolutional historical past, is headed toward pernicious outcomes if we, the decent and caring, fail to expose and negate the multiple centuries of lies that defy our humanity.

FRANK ROHRIG, Milford, Conn.

Put Kibosh on Socialist Talk

It is now long past the time that the well-known national Democrats, including those in the US Congress, put the kibosh on the dishonest political strategy of many conservative-Republicans of calling Democrats names such as “socialists,” “Marxists” and “communists” when not a single Democrat is a true socialist. This can be done by honestly educating and informing the public on what a true socialist does and does not believe. 

This red-baiting by Republicans reminds me so much of what Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism did.

In actuality, there is more truth in the claim that many of today’s Republicans in Congress are Scrooge-like “Survival-of-the-Fittest” Social Darwinists.


From The Progressive Populist, February 15, 2022


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