Do As the Romans

Re: Jeff Sessions’ “take” on Romans 13, trying to justify a heartless, immoral policy by quoting the Bible is how we reached this low point in Trump’s administration.

Romans 13 does say, loosely, to obey the laws, the “higher powers,” but it goes on to say, “For he is a minister of God to thee for good.” (Verse 4). Civil magistrates are not ministers of God. But the church does have ministers. And it would make more sense to read this chapter this way, especially seeing how the context is about the church, not the ministers of civil offices.

The sword it talks about is the sword of the spirit, the Word of God. “But if those do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain, for he is the minister of God to thee for good, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil” (verse 4). It finishes the thought with: “Owe no man anything but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” (Verse 8) Further verses, 9, 10 (“Love worketh no ill to his neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”) and the last verse (14) makes it pretty clear that this is about the church, not the civil powers.

But the “lines” between the church and other powers becomes moot when one considers “Wilt thou then not be afraid of the powers?” Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: … But if those do which is evil, be afraid.” (Verses 3 and 4) That can go for everyone. It isn’t just for those with or without a title or office. This section of Romans was once used to try to justify the “Divine Right of Kings,” so called, to say God made a King and to go against the king was to go against God, as if Kings could do no wrong. (Sound familiar?) It doesn’t say that. We are all under God’s law and all must follow it. “Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: Therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” Romans 13:10. That is where this chapter is going.

Those who claim to believe and know the Bible need to know and act upon this, whatever their “office.” Republicans who claim to follow these teachings should know at least this much. And practice what it says.

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; thou shalt love the neighbor as thyself.” Galatians 5:14 (a book also written by the Apostle Paul). And whatever happened to “presumed innocent until proven guilty”? as regards everyone under our Constitution? And where has “working for the good of our country by being good to people” gone?

Cheryl Lovely, Presque Isle, Maine

Still No Collusion

While I appreciate writer Frank L. Schneider’s respectful response (7/1-15/18 TPP) to my letter (6/15/18 TPP) asking for clear evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, I found no such evidence presented in his letter recounting the history of this controversy. The indictment of 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies said nothing about collusion with the Trump campaign. Do Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer and George Papadopoulos’ drunken boast warrant months of special counsel investigation costing the taxpayers millions of dollars?

Mr. Schneider states that “maybe by the time this is over” we will all have our clear evidence. Actually, almost 18 months into the investigation it’s looking more and more like “maybe not.” I believe this tantalizing distraction will cost the Democratic Party dearly in November.

Gardner Hathaway, Asheville, N.C.

Mueller’s Still Looking

I’m currently reading the 6/15/18 TPP. As usual a good read — you learn so much with this newspaper. And, if you have a paper copy, you don’t have to plug it in. The letter section is always interesting. Likewise this week. From Asheville, we have Gardner Hathaway’s mixed-grill of a letter — and it deserves rejoinder. Two points of disagreement, and two points of agreement.

• What’s all this DNC stuff? The only problem with the DNC is that it got Clintonized. But not to worry — help is on the way. My guess is that the Clinton camp and the Bernie Sanders camp will find a way to split the difference. There’s too much at stake here ... like The Republic itself ...

• The Mueller investigation? All this stuff about secret meetings with Russians (etc.) will yield little. And Trump knows this. What Trump IS CONCERNED about is tainted money. There is a big probability that Trump’s branding/ leverage company launders money. This is illegal. Will the Mueller investigation get to tainted money? Probably not ...

• Impeachment? I agree with Mr. Hathaway that some Democrats are wheel-spinning on impeachment. And do we really need impeachment? This nutcase is de-compensating before our very eyes. (Also, the Democrats are well positioned for the mid-terms. Hopefully, the results of these elections will help to deter this psycho,

• Stephen Stills? Yes Mr. Hathaway, he is a national treasure, isn’t he?

Jim Martel, Lynn, Mass.

GOP Subverts Voter Rolls

The recent US Supreme Court decision which upheld the purging of voting rolls in the state of Ohio is the beginning of the destruction of our democracy. The decision follows the pattern of Republican members of the Court deciding cases that make it more difficult for the poor and elderly to he able to vote.

Please remember that the Republicans hate democracy. They are outraged that African-Americans, working-class citizens, members of the LGBTQ community, and the poor have the same right to vote as their country club cronies. The Republicans will go to any length to restrict and deny any part of the Democrat Party base the right to vote.

In the 4/15/15 edition of TPP, Heather Digby Parton warned us of this problem. It is only going to get worse.

And do not refer to the 5 members of the Supreme Court as conservatives. Conservatives possess values, principles, an integrity. Republicans do not have those values.

Stephen Landuyt, Quincy, Ill.

Falling for National Security

We have, so far, paid a great price in the name of ‘National Security’. Our past presidents have used this when they were unable to rationally declare the justification of a particular action. President Roosevelt used the same old term when he ordered the internment of Japanese-Americans. President G.W. Bush has used this “catch-all” term quite frequently when all reasonings did not apply. Now President Trump, while attending The G-7 meeting in Canada, has used “National Security” reasons while discussing Tariff & Trade matter. Of course the other participants greeted this with a lot of mirth. Nevertheless as soon as he accepted the presidency, he issued a travel ban. All but two from majority Muslim countries and again he quoted a matter of National Security. Is there no Intelligence Agencies (CIA, FBI etc.) that can tear the myth of National Security apart? Americans are getting tired of this excuse, and to top it all, even the Justices of The Supreme Court fell for this.

G.M. Chandu, Flushing, N.Y.

Return to Jewish Ethics

Like other readers, I was impressed by Jill Richardson’s account (6/15/18 TPP) of her return to traditional Jewish standards. It reminded me of advice from a former professor of mine before the Jews took over Palestine. If you want justice, he advised, find a Jew.

That fervor for justice disappeared from the Jewish agenda in 1948 with the approved influx of Jewish refugees into Palestine. More than 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes and hundreds of Palestinian villages were crushed in the initial onslaught. Over the succeeding 70 years the Israelis perfected their oppressive tactics: illegal settlements, wars and Incursions stole more land and water from the remaining Palestinians, roads were built for Israelis, not Palestinians; also a boycott of materials for reconstructing war-damaged homes, a partial food boycott, a phony peace process that eventually collapsed and innumerable other hellishly creative ways to make life so unbearable the Palestinians would accept servitude.

In this oppression the Land of Liberty played a cooperative, if not enthusiastic, role. May many more American Jews reconsider the value of traditional Jewish ethics.

Jeanne Riha, Corvallis, Ore.

Trumped Up Immigration has a Solution

World population, global warming, and political instability are the key drivers of population movement. Immigration will increase drastically beyond current levels unless these issues are directly addressed honestly and with dignity.

If Trump and his comrades were serious about immigration, instead of using it as a racist slogan, he and other Republicans could read a bit to discover proven solutions. Thus, education of women is a key element to solving the world’s over-population problem. That, coupled with support services to women, has proven time and time again to reduce population growth rates.

If Trump and fellow-travelers were serious about global warming, they would acknowledge the link between population and global warming. Embracing the Paris accords would be a nice start; the USA is the only country in the world that has not done so. The overwhelming majority, over 97%, of scientists world-wide acknowledge global warming as being real, very dangerous, and linked to human migrations.

For example, Europe is expecting about 1 million immigrants per year due to climate warming. Similarly, the current net outflow of Mexicans from the USA is expected to reverse as climate changes in the south. Our (USA) military has repeatedly produced studies showing that climate warming is the single most serious threat to our nation. Yet, like an ostrich, Trump sticks his head in the sand wishing that this most-threatening fact will go away. It will not. Political unrest has, since the time of Moses, led to population movements. The Rohingya Muslim movement out of Burma to India is just one current example.

However, solving political unrest begins at home. Under Trump’s hyper-partisan leadership, we are losing our ability to talk rationally about our problems. We have a moral obligation to regain rational political discourse and action. Rather than stoking the flames of hatred, Trump would do well to emulate the manners of his predecessor, a most elegant statesman and honest family man. President Obama took the high road as respected leaders do and spoke positively of hope and change. Problems like population migration and global warming are solvable – a brighter future is possible but not without sacrifice. If we continue on the Trump path, it is likely that our children will live mean, nasty, brutish, and short lives.

James M. Krueger, Spokane, Wash.

From The Progressive Populist, August 1, 2018


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