Letters to the Editor

Replace Supreme Court’s Lifetime Appointees as Final Arbitrators with the Will of All the People

Ideological poisoning is the direct and antithetical attack on our founders’ reasoned decision to erect and establish our nation as a “SECULAR” Republican Democracy. The basic reasoning for that decision was that religious/theocratic thinking and precepts are predicated upon presumptive assumptions and not on factual/empirical evidence. They are further, the imbued instinctive testosterone-laden misogynistic mindsets pertinent to “power and control” as was and is within males/men’s creation of religion in “his/male’s” very first biblical precept in Genesis whereby he/males — the “chosen one” BS.

Suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s book challenged and chastised males’/men’s misogynistic denigration of females/women in their presumptive dictates “300 times” for their “dominant oppressive thinking of another “human being” deserved of “equality” in all its varied contexts.

Fast forward thousands of centuries later (2022), the time to defy and negate the 144 years females/women were “deemed lesser beings” and denied their “inalienable rights” to participate, and vote in the decision-making process of governing. Add to this “inhumane societal disgrace” a misogynistic mindset amongst six members of the Supreme Court in defying the will of the majority of its citizens of which 170 million women and only 160 million males continue to facilitate their “misogynistic mindsets” attributed to our aforementioned denial and predominant corrupted governance consisting of a ratio of 75% male to 25% female.

It’s time for our nation’s citizenry to defy and deny “minority autocratic, fascist, dictatorial decision making and DEMAND the immediate end to:

1) Lifetime tenure for the Supreme Court

2) No longer the final decision makers but the “entire citizenry” shall be the final arbitrators” at election time voting the “will of the people” on legal decisions.

3) the immediate legislative passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and at this time and juncture of evolutional enhancements toward a more equitable and fairer society by DEMANDING the expedited institution of PARITY (50% male/50% female) within our entire governance (local-state-federal) throughout the nation expeditiously within a MANDATED four year time frame to its complete, unequivocal fruition. It is only then shall the “will of the people” begin to negate the corrupted PLUTOCRACY and “poisoning” of theocratic falsities be defied as they were during our 1800s “Era of Enlightenment”

FRANK C. ROHRIG, Milford, Conn.

Trump Put Democracy on the Brink

Hal Crowther: nnI am writing this to thank you for your excellent article [“Send off the clown?, 9/1/22 TPP] exposing the real Donald Trump and his idiotic following. As you distinctly pointed out they are lost in a vacuum of information about a criminal leader they support. You have clearly pointed out Trump has no place in the White House. Jail is where he belongs.

For starters, Trump killed nine people in his insurrection and then praised the perpetrators as wonderful, lovely people. He is guilty of treason, bribery, lying (30,000+ in four years as a misbegotten president), stealing confidential and secret folders (which he probably sold to Russia), tax evasion, draft dodger (then belittling veterans who put their lives on the line for our country), four bankruptcies, people he cheated, disparaging women, ignoring his presidential oath of honoring our Constitution, attempting to dismantle our government, illegally interfering in our election then claiming he was robbed (when he was the one doing the robbing), after the election plotting to overthrow our government, killing thousands of Americans with COVID 19 due to mishandling at the outset, trying to destroy the work of a real president, President Obama’s Obama Care, affecting over 25 million Americans, including Obama’s work in honestly dealing with Climate Change (he did not open public lands to oil and gas drilling. He created more national monuments while Trump destroyed them. I believe Trump got a cut of these oil leases only to watch our planet degrade). Trump is without a doubt the worst president we have ever got to bear as he toyed with our Constitution (e.g. the Mexican wall), four years of disaster.

Now he wants four more years while sitting in a jail cell. Unfortunately, there are 70 million empty headed Americans ready to vote for him. Good-bye, democracy.

RICHARD B. HYMAN, Stillwater, N.J.

Hello Flexible Solar Car Panels!

Solar flex on Cars! “We’re Not Close to Anywhere, Just So Much Data Noise,” by Art Cullen, 10/1/22 TPP. Has anyone seen the film about when Chevy Motors won a car race out on Bonneville Salt Flats, using flexible solar panels? According to the film I saw about 15 years ago, Chevy’s management bought and buried that technology.

Please find that film and write about it in the Populist, so readers will know about that solar car race and those flexible solar panels. Depending upon the weather, using Mr. Shenky’s flexible solar panels, the solar panels will provide most of the power, recharging as people drive along. Cullen expects to get more than 300 miles driving an EV Chevy, but I think Flexible Solar Paneled Cars would travel much farther without needing to stop and waste time at recharge stations.

Housing: Flexible solar panels can be shaped like shutters, placed on porch railings, window frames, and siding on buildings. Even rich people will approve the design. Because they are rich, they can purchase enough American made flexible solar panels to jump start production, here at American businesses.

America needs Flexible and Standard Solar on the sides and middle of our highways, especially in southern sunshine states. Years ago, the mayor in the nearest city, here, told me that all the extra land, not needed for building 91 up into Vermont, was deeded back to each town, not the landowner. Do towns own two narrow strips of land along all our major highways? If so, construct solar. Then, adjacent landowners will benefit by having nearby solar connections and solar projects will provide jobs.

Highway solar power could be sold, by each town, to help fund local schools.

MICHIE RUSSELL, Colrain, Mass.

Music Hath Charms

While I was reading Bonnie Jean Feldkamp’s article, “Why music will always be my hype man” [10/1/22 TPP], I felt as though she was sitting next to me while I listened.

Like Ms. Feldkamp, music is the art that reaches deepest into my heart and comes to my rescue during those times when no one can escape from the fear and anxiety that arrive so unexpectedly.

The Bible teaches us that King Saul suffered what was probably a severe nervous breakdown – or worse:

“… the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul,

and an evil spirit … troubled him.” 1 Samuel 16:14

But we also learn that Saul found comfort in music:

“… when the evil spirit … was upon Saul … David took a harp and played … so Saul was refreshed and was well.” 1 Samuel 16:23

Ironically, although I’m indifferent to religion, liturgical music never fails to scatter into flight those phantoms in the subconscious which occasionally torment all of mankind. In particular, Gregorian chants and Jewish cantors always drape me with serenity. And I love Black spirituals created by people bound to Earth by chains – but who found hope of freedom in their voices which reached heaven.

“The man that … is not moved with concord of sweet

sounds is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils …

his spirit is as dull as night … and dark as Erebus.”

William Shakespeare (from “The Merchant of Venice”)

DAVID QUINTERO, Monrovia, Calif.

The Great Pretenders

You know, the only reason that the Republican Party, led by their boss, Donny “The Martyr” Trump, claims to be populist and so concerned for the “forgotten middle class,” which, by the way, the Republican Party helped to create, is because they have conveniently used them and slyly incorporated them into their charade of being unfairly treated by the American government so that both groups now identify themselves as the same victims of the same governmental conspiracy against them.

However, their courting of the “forgotten middle class” is strictly based upon playing them for their money, their votes and their support for an autocratic, authoritarian Republican agenda, masked under the guise of MAGA populism; well hidden, well manipulated and whose primary goal is to ensure that the Republican Party never loses another election and the absolute power that comes with it.

Welcome to the New Republican USA: “The United States of Autocracy.”

MIKE EKLUND, Mercer, Wis.

A Perfect Fix

The Republican Party’s only campaign messaging possibility is “hate my opponent.” But “hate opponent 1, hate opponent 2, ad infinitum” is way too expensive, cumbersome and impossible to remember whom to hate for what. Once the rich and powerful have had their game pieces taken away, we may be stuck with pure Democracy.  SIGH!

LEE KNOHL, Evanston, Ill.

From The Progressive Populist, November 1, 2022


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