Let’s Be More Like Bonobos


Looking back at the bawdy behavior of Bill Clinton, the cheating of Newt Gingrich, the sexual harassment by Andrew Cuomo and many more, the molesting by Donald Trump, as well as the salacious scandal of New York Congressman Anthony’s Weiner, it bears asking why so many men of power and influence risk their top positions for positions atop hookers, interns and any available assignation.

Could it be we’re wired that way? Bonobos, also known as pygmy chimpanzees, are as close a relative as humans have. Bonobos screw all the time. There’s no monogamy. If they’re not screwing, they’re copping a feel. And bonobo society is almost free of violence.

“Sex at Dawn” by Christopher Ryan Phd. explores bonobo sexuality. He quotes pioneering primatologist Frans de Waal: “Chimps use violence to get sex, while bonobos use sex to avoid violence.”

Ryan asserts it’s the lack of sex restriction that removes conflict, and that similar peace exists in unrestricted human societies. He also suggests that the bonobos’ matriarchal culture contributes to a better quality of life.

Yet billions of us humans are racked with guilt and shame about our sexuality, while in our patriarchal world, we continue to kill each other in wars and personal conflicts. There’s reason to blame religions for repressing our natural sexuality. Not all religions, of course. While Catholicism taught me that even the thought of lust was a mortal sin, Hinduism gives their followers an illustrated sex guide — the Kama Sutra.

Apparently, early religious leaders in many societies needed a way to keep themselves indispensable. There were probably already tribal codes to deal with actual crimes like theft and murder. So the Holy Guys invented the sin of lust – not really a crime but something that they could count on to keep happening, and folks would always need spiritual salvation for. They would provide a sure-fire prevention of Hell-fire. For a fee.

From there, the policy of puritanism proliferated. Of course, it didn’t stop sex from happening. It just made life miserable for those trying to enjoy natural pleasure and procreation on their own terms.

Now we see the crazed criminalization of abortion again by the same paternalistic prudes who have sabotaged sexuality for centuries. After abortion, they aim to cancel contraceptives. Really.

I hate to resort to logic or common sense here but wouldn’t the people who hate abortion be naturally inclined to prevent pregnancy? Sure, if that were their a priori priority. It’s not, but control of women is.

I move for matriarchy, Mr. Moderator. Men as our masters have made a mess of matters for millennia. I favor females to figure out our fates and fortunes.

That’s our best chance to make love not war. We could all live in peace and bang like bonobos.

Frank Lingo, based in Lawrence, Kansas, is a former columnist for the Kansas City Star and author of the novel “Earth Vote.” Email: lingofrank@gmail.com. See his website: Greenbeat.world

From The Progressive Populist, March 1, 2023


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